Parent Testimonials

Our school has received much positive feedback from parents whose children used to be enrolled at EIS.  You can read some of their feedback below the latest parents survey results:

EIS parents were asked to participate in a perception survey in December 2015 and January 2016 and there were 60 respondents.  Most questions focused on the strength to which parents either agreed or disagreed with a given statement. Respondents could Strongly Agree, Agree, Agree Somewhat, Disagree Somewhat, Disagree or Disagree Strongly.  Responses showing any degree of agreement or disagreement, respectively, have been summarized as follows:

Four things parents like best about EIS

  • School spirit and atmosphere, sense of community involvement, camaraderie between students.
  • Great teachers, motivated and engaged teachers, professional team, committed, friendly and welcoming staff.
  • Good class discipline, good student behavior, student respect for teachers and teacher respect for students.
  • International diversity, school environment.

Statements / Percentage showing degrees of agreement

53 %

Students at EIS treat each other with respecet:

77 %

There is good school spirit at EIS.

63 %

I would recommend EIS to other parents.


Satisfied Parents

I think it is a big testimony to Esbjerg International School that our son has joined a very good school in England with no problem. Actually, in some areas such as maths and science he (and Esbjerg International School in general) is advanced compared to his age group and the school here in England. Thus, our sincere congratulations and thanks to Esbjerg International School.Although our son is fully settled here he thinks and talks a lot about his friends and teachersat EIS. He is in email correspondance with some of his friends. And he misses Mr. Dan Glover, Mr. Lennie and Mr. Han a lot. Our son’s Homeroom teacher at EIS was possibly one of the best teachers I have ever met. Our son really loved him and has progressed a lot with him, both academically and socially. Thank you again for the great time that our son had at Esbjerg International School and for preparing him very well for the return to England.
Darko Stojkovic
We can tell you that we are very happy with the school, its employees and the education you provide to our son.We thank the team for the great service you provide, and the skills you teach our son. It is fantastic that he, after half a year, actually reads the books you provide. And it became obvious during our recent trip to London, that this kid, who didn't know a single English word last summer, was in dialogue with the waiters, ordering his own food and telling them what he thought of it afterwards, a bit embarrassingas he also told them off if he didn't like it.When looking at the team of teachers you provide, I can tell you that we are very satisfied. I am, as a business leader, quite impressed on how little impact the impressive growth Esbjerg International School has experienced over the last years, has had on the children. Good work.
Maiken & Bo Fyhring
Esbjerg International School has definitely been an incentive for us to extend our stay in Denmark. The high standards maintained, coupled with the individual attention afforded to students are remarkable. Apart from the academic advancement, students enrolled at the EIS have the advantage of interacting with various cultures which can only aid in their social development in a very positive manner. It is very important that our children receive their education from internationally accredited institutions to facilitate smooth transfer to other schools. Our first son, Dylan, has been one of the pioneering students, and because of our comfort with his development, our second son, Darian will join EIS in the next academic year.
Nyla Ramkalawan
I vores familie er far fra Skotland og mor her fra Esbjerg. Hjemme taler vi både engelsk og dansk til vores piger på hhv. 5 og 1 år. Da vores ældste datter var 9 mdr flyttede vi til Qatar og boede der i 4 år. Vi var glade for vores ophold i Mellemøsten og har snakket om at rejse ud igen på et tidspunkt derfor var det også nærliggende at vælge Esbjerg International School. Var vi blevet i Qatar skulle vores datter allerede sidste år (som 4-årig) være startet i skole, så hvis hun ikke skal være bagud skole-mæssigt, når vi engang rejser ud igen var vi også nødt til at sætte hende i skole nu. Samtidig med at hun kunne følge et internationalt pensum har det været vigtigt for mig, at hun ikke udelukkende var omgivet af udenlandske børn, men også kunne holde det danske ved lige så jeg har været glad for at se at en del lokale børn også går derude. Jeg har hjulpet lidt til i deres klasse og de fremskridt de danske børn har gjort i det engelske i løbet af blot 3 mdr har været helt utroligt. Og de børn der allerede kunne både engelsk og dansk har hjulpet de andre (indimellem også lærerne) med oversættelse og forståelse. Der virker til at være et helt andet sammenhold på sådan en mindre skole med mange forskellige kulturer samlet. Nu venter vi bare på at lillesøster fylder 3 år så hun kan starte i deres "børnehave".
Trine Daniels
This school helps new students adapt to a different learning and requirement system, always ready to help the child overcome the hardships of the learning process as well as create conditions that help improve oneself, enable the student to participate not only in school, but also in international projects. Despite the cultural differences, there are no problems in communication / interaction, while we – the parents were always kept precisely informed about our childs accomplishments. That‘s why without any doubts we also brought our youngest son to join his big brother at Esbjerg International School. Our eight year old son loved this school from the very first day, his words were: "Mommy, daddy, it‘s fun here, I feel like at home". I think that is a great compliment from a childs lips.
Dzeralda Stankeviciene
I would like to take this opportunity to pass my thanks to you and the teachers at EIS. Mr Ward was of course a brilliant teacher to Olivia when we first arrived, but I have been really impressed with both Miss Melissa and Miss Hayley this term. Fred has shown a huge shift in maturity, interest in learning and penmanship in just a few weeks.Both Olivia and Fred have developed both educationally and in their personalities. I am proud of their confident natures, their enthusiasm for all things (they are always full of ideas) and their positive attitudes. I believe it is the combination of school and Kids Stop that has worked so well together to help make our children well-rounded. The fact that both Olivia and Fred like and enjoy school is a testament to you all. Thank you to everyone at EIS. We will miss you!
Nicky Norris & Fraser Spencer
Our sons attended one and a half years in EIS Secondary School. They got very good education so they do not have any problems to join international schools in the United Arab Emirates where we moved afterwards. Besides the good teachers and study conditions EIS has friendly, family-like atmosphere thanks to their staff and students. As our son explained "...I am so happy there and I enjoy every minute in the school..."
Andrea and Balazs Adam
I just wanted to share with you that yesterday Claudia was given her first free reader book (at her new school in her home country) and she was just super happy. She told me "Mom, we have to tell Ms. Haley because she will be really happy. I miss her so much..." :-). The teacher told me that she has a really good level reading and writing for her age and I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!!!! :-). You did a wonderful job and I am super grateful.
Maria Iriarte
This is the best school for my girls. It was an easy decision because it is the best school in Esbjerg. The school has innovative and caring teachers which is important to us. Esbjerg International School offers high standards of education across a broad range of subjects. My girls love the Art and Music classes! Small class sizes mean my girls are learning at a phenomenal rate.
Alison Amos
I de godt 9 måneder min søn har gået på EIS, har han rent fagligt udviklet sig enormt. Det, at der kun er få elever i hver klasse samt, at lærerne har den faglige ekspertise til at matche hvert enkelt barn, har i den grad været godt for min søn. Der gøres meget fra skolens side for, at få børnene til at fungere sammen. Børnene har det godt sammen i hverdagen.
Susanne Dahl
[After our move to the UK, we find our daughter] is excelling academically, which is brilliant. I have to say the standard in EIS was really high because by the time we got here...she was wayyyyyyy ahead.
Emma Atti