
Secondary school

Students entering Secondary School are at an exciting time of their learning. They are becoming more independent in their learning and are developing more responsibility for the outcomes they can achieve. All students at EIS receive the physical, emotional, and social support that compliments their studies and academic progress. In the Secondary School this support is tailored to the growing needs of students as they begin their pathway to adulthood.

Our Secondary School continues to develop the atmosphere fostered in the Primary School of a truly international and multicultural family. Our small size allows us to get to know students and parents better, as well as provide more individual attention where necessary.


Our curriculum offered is the IB Middle Years Programme (IB MYP), which is a five-year programme, beginning in Year 7 (MYP1) and continuing through to Year 11 (MYP5). Our MYP5 graduates have been accepted to local Danish gymnasiums, including one of which offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. 


The structure: The MYP is a course of study designed to meet the educational needs of students aged between 11 and 16 years. It provides a broad, traditional foundation of knowledge that encourages students to become creative, critical, and reflective thinkers. The MYP emphasises intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. As such, intercultural understanding, communication skills, and global engagement are seen as essential elements to education in the modern world and are held as fundamental to the MYP’s philosophy. The MYP also promotes a holistic view of learning. It requires an approach to teaching and learning which includes and extends traditional school subjects. It builds upon the knowledge, skills, and attitudes developed in the IB Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) offered at our Primary School and prepares students to meet the academic challenges for the next stage of their educational journey.

The MYP Curriculum

The MYP consists of eight subject groups: Language Acquisition, Language and Literature, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, Arts, Physical and Health Education, and Design. At EIS we offer a range of subjects to meet the needs of our community.

Subject groups

Group 1: Language and Literature

English, Danish, Mother Tongue 

Group 2: Language Acquisition

  Spanish, German, Danish

Group 3: Individual and Societies

Integrated Humanities

Group 4: Science

Integrated Science

Group 5:Mathematics


Group 6: Arts

Visual Arts, Media Arts, Music

Group 7: Technology


Group 8: Physical Education

Physical & Health Education

EIS is an authorised IB World School and offers both the Primary Years Programme and Middle Years Programme.

View further details about the IB Middle Years Programme in our 2023-2024 Handbook here and the MYP regulations from the IB can be viewed here.

To read more about the IB MYP programme, assessment, academic integrity and IB Learner Profile, please go to the International Baccalaureate website at IBO.ORG 

For any more information about the secondary programme at EIS, please contact our MYP coordinator.