

Teachers at EIS conduct both internal and external assessment.

The Danish national curriculum (dansk fællesmål pensum) is used to teach students in First Language Danish and Danish as an Additional Language classes. Year 11 Danish A students write the national exams.


Learning & Teaching: EIS students are well prepared for their next schools, universities, and careers. We believe an inquiry-based approach that is driven by conceptual understandings will lead to deep, meaningful learning.

EIS fosters student action and agency during and as a result of their authentic learning experiences.

Click here to read the assessment policy 2019.


Statement: EIS aims to create life-long learners who have the tools needed for a successful future as respectful and responsible citizens in local and global societies.


Students demonstrate their learning in a variety of other ways, including projects, quizzes, verbal presentations, musical performances and homework. Report cards showing assessment results for all subjects in all Years are sent to parents twice per year.

Esbjerg International School acts upon both its external and internal assessment results in different ways. First, it is important to note that there is no “pass” or “fail” threshold for our students. We use all assessment results to consistently ask the same three questions:

1. How can we improve the learning of each individual student in the next study period?

2. How can we improve the learning of our students in each subject/Year?

3. What we do, as a school, to systematically improve the learning of our students as a whole? The answers to each question often differ from student to student, from class to class, and from year to year. That shouldn’t be surprising, however. At the core of our school’s mission is to improve the learning of all students, no matter their ability, on an on-going basis.